最快文件搜索利器Everything时隔半年迎来v1.4.1正式版,修复了诸多问题,详情见更新日志。Everything 速度极快,生成的索引文件极小,索引之后,简洁的界面呈现在你的面前,状态栏中会显示索引的数量!


Everything 是速度最快的文件名搜索工具,其速度之快令人震惊,百G硬盘几十万个文件,可以在几秒钟之内完成索引;文件名搜索瞬间呈现结果。它小巧免费,界面简洁,实时跟踪更新,轻松分享文件索引,支持通配符、正则表达式,可以通过HTTP或FTP分享搜索结果。Everything只适用NTFS文件系统 ^_^ 




Friday, 9 February 2018: Version Fixed a crash when clearing search history. Fixed a security issue when running a FTP server. Fixed an issue preventing Everything from closing when pressing ESC Added .jpeg extension to the image information search functions. Fixed an issue where Everything would lose the current sort after reindexing. Added support for cluster sizes larger than 64k. Fixed an issue when using invalid characters to rename a file. Fixed a crash when rendering tall or wide images. Added preview_context ini setting. Fixed an issue when shutting down Everything would cause it to miss changes. Fixed a memory alignment issue. Fixed database corruption when renaming a folder when folder size indexing is enabled or when there is a folder exclude. Fixed an issue with circular NTFS/ReFS folder parents.

Everything 官方主页 http://www.voidtools.com Everything 详细使用方法及常见问题 http://xbeta.info/everything/faq.htm


Everything Final 官方便携版 + 安装版

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EvhW2NGKsmIDJM0AH78drA 密码: 7dyx

Portable: http://www.voidtools.com/Everything- http://www.voidtools.com/Everything-

Installer: http://www.voidtools.com/Everything- http://www.voidtools.com/Everything-